Tips For Staying Safe During Myrtle Beach Bike Week

Myrtle Beach Bike Week begins on May 13 this year, and the countdown has already begun. IN less than eight weeks, the Grand Strand will be filled with the roar of motorcycle engines as local bikers meet up with visitors from out of town to enjoy the two things in life they love most, sunshine and motorcycles. Bike Week has been an annual event since 1940, and this year’s spring rally promises to be a fun one. Myrtle Beach local officials have plans in place to ensure that everyone gets to enjoy Bike Week safely. If, however, you get in an accident with your bike during your visit to South Carolina, you should contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer instead of a lawyer in your home state.
Wear a Helmet Even When the Law Doesn’t Require One
South Carolina’s motorcycle helmet laws are much more lenient than the laws of some other states. In South Carolina, helmets are required for motorcycle riders below the age of 21, but beyond your 21st birthday, it is your choice whether to ride with or without a helmet. That said, you should wear one. Sure, take a few selfies of yourself sitting on your bike with your stylish new ‘do for Bike Week, but put your helmet back on before you head into traffic. Riders with helmets are much more likely to survive motorcycle accidents and much less likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries.
Alcohol and Bikes Don’t Mix
Nothing is better than a nice cold beer at one of Myrtle Beach’s iconic bars, and you are in good company if you have some bar hopping planned for your visit to South Carolina. You should, however, make your bike rides and your drinking excursions separate activities. Alcohol plays a role in a disproportionate number of traffic collisions, including motorcycle accidents.
Beware of Debris on the Road
Road debris is a hazard for all types of motor vehicles, but it is especially dangerous for motorcycles. The Myrtle Beach Bike Week website encourages participants not to litter, but at big, outdoor events like Bike Week, there is always a chance that some trash will clutter parking lots and driveways before it can be collected. Be especially careful to avoid road debris. To avoid debris-related accidents, you should avoid excessive speed. When possible, you should also ride your motorcycle during daylight hours, especially if you are not familiar with the roads in the area.
Remember, the people who can help you if you get injured in an accident during a vacation to South Carolina are South Carolina personal injury lawyers. The laws vary from one state to the other, so you should hire a lawyer in the state where the accident occurred.
Let Us Help You Today
The motorcycle accident lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you were injured in a motorcycle accident during a vacation to South Carolina. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.