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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Columbia Personal Injury > Columbia Construction Accident Lawyer

Columbia Construction Accident Lawyer

Working in construction is obviously more hazardous than sitting in an office building. However, this does not mean that construction workers should be subjected to needlessly unsafe, dangerous, or unhealthy workplace conditions. Here at The Stanley Law Group, our Columbia construction accident lawyers help injured construction workers file for workers’ compensation benefits as well as personal injury claims against their employers. A personal injury claim will drastically increase the amount of money that your employer is forced to pay in terms of compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Construction is Dangerous, But Does it Have to Be?

One out of five workplace fatalities is in the construction sector, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA). While 20 percent of fatalities occur in construction jobs, the construction sector employs just 7.5 million workers—about five percent of the entire U.S. workforce, according to Statista and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many of these fatalities and tens of thousands of serious injuries are caused by employers taking shortcuts to save time and money at the expense of their employees’ well being. Failing to provide proper safety equipment, exposure to toxic substances, electrocution accidents, and falls from height are just a few examples of potential employer negligence that could lead to a lawsuit.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Unless your employer has violated South Carolina law and has not purchased workers’ compensation insurance or kept up to date with their premiums, you are covered by workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is no-fault coverage that provides payment of full medical expenses as well as partial wage replacement. There are pros and cons to workers’ compensation. One pro is that it covers you regardless of fault. One of the major cons is that it prevents employees from being able to sue their employers directly, thus eliminating pain and suffering, full wage replacement, loss of joy of life, and other “non economic” damages. There is an exception to this rule, however. If an employer has violated safety codes or has engaged in egregious conduct, a personal injury lawsuit can be brought against them.

Why a Personal Injury Claim on Top of Workers’ Compensation is the Best Option

Only when employers intentionally cause a construction worker to be injured, violate safety regulations, or carry out an egregious act can an employee sue. If a lawsuit can be brought against the employer, you can collect workers’ compensation benefits as well as the following:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Full lost wages and lost future earning capacity;
  • Loss of joy of life;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Payment for medical expenses outside of your employer’s insurance provider network (you can choose a doctor of your own liking); and
  • More.

A Construction Accident Attorney is Here to Help

Whether you are a construction worker injured on the job or you were injured on site but not an employee of the construction company, you have the right to seek financial compensation. The Columbia construction accident attorneys at The Stanley Law Group can help you get started today. Feel free to call 803-799-4700  at your soonest convenience to schedule a free consultation.

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