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  • $11 Million Wrongful Death
  • $4.5 Million Motor Vehicle Accident
  • $4 Million Lottery Case Dispute
  • $3 Million Commercial Vehicle Accident
  • $1.45 Million Automobile Accident Crash
  • $1.25 Million Semi-Truck Accident Settlement
  • $1 Million Tractor Trailer Accident Case
  • $750k Slip-and-Fall Case
  • $1.87 Million Tractor Trailer Accident Case
  • $1.4 Million Car Accident Settlement
  • $1.315 Million Medical Malpractice
  • $1.05 Million Truck Accident Settlement
  • $1 Million Slip-And-Fall Settlement
  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice Settlement
  • $1.5 Million Car Accident Settlement
  • $1.3 Million Car Accident Settlement
  • $1.025 Million Dump Truck Accident Settlement
  • $1 Million Truck Accident Settlement
  • $850K Truck Accident Recovery
  • $750K Truck Accident Case

Category Archives: Truck Accidents


Driverless Trucks May Be Coming Soon To A Freeway Near You

By The Stanley Law Group |

Self-driving vehicle technology has been around for years.  The only thing that is stopping fully autonomous vehicles from becoming a frequent sight on highways and city streets is human hesitancy.  The newest cars on the road have so many autonomous driving features that they could probably drive themselves if you, or the vehicle manufacturers,… Read More »

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Compliance With Safety Regulations And South Carolina Truck Accidents

By The Stanley Law Group |

Most traffic accidents involve two cars, and when the insurance claims come in after the accident, the insurance companies get down to the business of figuring out which driver is at fault for the accident or how to divide the fault between the two drivers.  Usually, this process is fairly simple.  Most car accidents… Read More »

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Stanley Law Group Helps South Carolina Grandma Win Settlement After Truck Accident

By The Stanley Law Group |

Think of all the things that it is only possible for you to do because you are as healthy as you are.  Work, family caregiving responsibilities, and maintaining social ties would all be much more difficult if you had a serious injury that caused chronic pain.  When all the activities that you used to… Read More »

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Dump Truck Accidents

By The Stanley Law Group |

You can tell which vehicles adults find most impressive by the prices these vehicles fetch.  The Lamborghinis and Jaguars of the world were designed for an audience of people who can afford them and people who wish they could.  If kids ran the world, however, dump trucks would be the world’s most sought-after vehicle. … Read More »

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Stanley Law Group Wins Settlement For Family Of Truck Accident Victim

By The Stanley Law Group |

When a family member dies an untimely death, money is the farthest thing from your mind.  It is not possible to put a price tag on the companionship and emotional support of your mother, sister, wife, or other close relative.  Wrongful death lawsuits cannot bring back family members who are gone too soon, so… Read More »

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What Are Your Rights After An Accident Where One Commercial Truck Collides With Another?

By The Stanley Law Group |

You only need to recall the sense of trepidation you feel when you drive on a stretch of highway where there is more than one commercial truck in view to know how disastrous it can be when a passenger car collides with an 18-wheeler truck.  Collisions that involve a commercial truck account for a… Read More »

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Teen Pedestrian Struck By Tractor-Trailer While Crossing Road After School

By The Stanley Law Group |

For the incoming freshman class at Buford High School in Lancaster County, the school year began in tragedy.  After school one afternoon in September, a ninth grade student was struck by a tractor trailer as she attempted to cross the road near the intersection of Highway 9 and Potter Road.  The student died of… Read More »

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Was The Truck That Caused Your Accident Just Passing Through South Carolina?

By The Stanley Law Group |

One of the first things that lawyers learn in law school is that most of the laws that affect people’s daily lives are state laws.  This is why lawyers who move to another state must pass that state’s bar exam; their knowledge of the law does not automatically transfer, since state laws vary so… Read More »

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Do Speed Limiters Make Big Trucks Safer?

By The Stanley Law Group |

No matter what kind of vehicle you are driving, excessive speed increases your chances of losing control of the vehicle and crashing.  It also gives you less time to get out of the way to avoid a crash caused by another driver’s mistake.  Driving at a moderate speed is not, by itself, enough to… Read More »

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Steering Box

Parts Manufacturer Issues Recall Of Steering Gears Installed In More Than 100,000 Trucks

By The Stanley Law Group |

Safety recall notices for car parts may seem like just another piece of junk mail, but you should take them seriously.  Cars have been getting progressively safer for the past few decades, due to the invention of ever safer car parts, from the seatbelt to the airbag to the rear-facing camera.  Another reason why… Read More »

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