Choosing The Safest Motorcycle Helmet

South Carolina has a higher rate of motorcycle-related fatalities than some states with considerably bigger populations. Part of the reason is that the weather in South Carolina is appropriate for motorcycle riding for most of the year, so people travel here to ride their motorcycles when the roads in their home states are covered in snow and sludge. Another factor is that, in South Carolina, many motorcyclists do not wear helmets. South Carolina law has rules about the safety standards for motorcycle helmets sold in the state, but whether you wear them is up to you; wearing a helmet is only a legal requirement if you are younger than 21. No matter your age, and no matter what the law says, you should wear a helmet whenever you ride a motorcycle; helmets reduce the risk of death and permanent brain injury in the event of a motorcycle accident. If you are struggling with medical bills you incurred after a motorcycle accident, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
How to Know If a Motorcycle Helmet Fits Properly
Any motorcycle helmet is better than none, but a helmet that does not fit well can reduce your field of vision while riding. Even worse, an uncomfortable motorcycle helmet creates a distraction. Therefore, it is a worthwhile investment of time to ensure that your motorcycle helmet is a perfect fit. You should shop for helmets in person instead of online, so you can try them on and adjust them in the store before you buy. A store employee should measure your head and follow the sizing guides for each helmet. If the helmet fits correctly, it will feel noticeably tight when you first wear it, but it will get broken in over time. No matter how state-of-the-art your motorcycle helmet is, you should replace it after five years.
Introducing Smartphone-Friendly Motorcycle Helmets
Talking on the phone while riding a motorcycle sounds like a bad idea until you think about how much technology has evolved. Cars now have features that enable drivers to use their phones for navigation and hands-free calling, so using your phone in the car can make you safer, instead of increasing your risks. Likewise, some new motorcycle helmets are designed for riders to wear Bluetooth-enabled earpieces. This way, if you are in danger, you can call for help without having to pull off the road and get your phone out of your pocket. If you ride with a motorcycle club, you can talk to each other on the phone instead of having to signal to each other with gestures or getting close enough to each other to shout over the noise of traffic.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you get the money you need to cover your medical expenses after a motorcycle accident by filing an insurance claim or lawsuit. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.