Causes Of Single Vehicle Motorcycle Accidents

In August 2022, a Cherokee County man was killed in a single vehicle accident when he lost control of his bike on S.C. Highway 150 North and slid down an embankment. According to the Cherokee County coroner, the victim was driving at high speed, which is probably what caused him to lose control of the motorcycle. Police found a helmet near the scene of the accident, but it is unclear whether the victim had been wearing the helmet or simply transporting it on his bike. Single vehicle collisions with motorcycles are more common than with other types of vehicles, and motorcycle accidents carry a higher risk of death or serious injury than car accidents, simply because a motorcycle does not offer the protections that cars offer, such as seatbelts and airbags. If you have been injured when your motorcycle collided with something other than a moving vehicle, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
Motorcycle “Lay Down” Accidents
Serious injuries can result if your motorcycle turns over on its side; these are commonly referred to as lay down accidents. A common cause of lay down accidents is turning at high speed. Therefore, inexperienced riders who are not used to reducing their speed enough for a turn have an elevated risk of these accidents. Winding roads and inclement weather also increase the risk of lay down accidents.
Spending Too Much Money on a Motorcycle
Entire websites and entire channels on YouTube are dedicated to reviewing vehicles for their safety, bragging rights factor, affordability, and other factors. Unfortunately, the most expensive motorcycles are not always the safest. Bikes with very powerful engines are more likely to be involved in accidents involving severe injury or death than bikes with less powerful engines.
Spending Too Little Money on a Motorcycle
Even though spending all your money on a motorcycle will not get you a safer bike, poorly maintained motorcycles also increase your risk of a single vehicle accident. Preventable bike malfunctions contribute to a substantial number of accidents. It is worthwhile to spend money on high quality replacement parts for your motorcycle.
Stationary Vehicles
Approximately 22 percent of single vehicle motorcycle accidents occur when a motorcycle collides with a stationary object that, under other circumstances, would be mobile, such as a parked car or truck. Use caution while riding your motorcycle near parked vehicles.
The Usual Suspects
The factors most likely to contribute to accidents in any vehicle are also risky when it comes to motorcycle accidents. Excessive speed, alcohol, and drugs, lead to many preventable accidents. Likewise, not wearing a helmet can make any motorcycle accident much worse than it would have been if you had worn one.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, even if your bike was the only vehicle involved. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.