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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Car Accident > Social Media And Your Car Accident Claim

Social Media And Your Car Accident Claim


It is easy to blame social media for everything.  You can attribute your low self-esteem to the fact that your former classmates keep posting pictures of their perfect bodies and their perfect lives, and you can’t help but feel inferior, even if it is fake.  Speaking of fake, there are so many false rumors and so many exaggerations in all those 60-second videos that you hardly know what to believe and who to trust.  Even if you are too smart to fall for those multilevel marketing (MLM) scams pitched by acquaintances who address you as “hun” in their MLM-related communications even though the word was never otherwise in their vocabulary, it is hard to resist the temptation to buy the clothing items that look so good on your favorite influencers, especially when you can buy them on a buy now pay later (BNPL) basis.  Likewise, even if you are too smart to let your phone distract you when you are driving, your social media habits could make it harder for you to get as much money as you need after a car accident claim.  If you have been injured in a car accident, you should say as little as possible but tell the whole truth to a Columbia car accident lawyer.

When You Tell One Version of Events and Your Online Activity Tells Another

If you have entered the workforce in the past 15 years, then you have heard the advice that prospective employers are judging you based on your online persona as much as they are judging the person they see in front of them.  This is equally true of judges in car accident lawsuits.  In fact, if you sue someone for causing a car accident that led to your injuries, the defendant is going to Google your name and look for all your social media accounts; anything you have ever said online can and will be used against you.  These are some types of posts that can discredit your claim in a car accident lawsuit:

  • You posted pictures of events that happened shortly after the accident, in which you appear to be in excellent health during a time when you claim that you were seriously injured. For example, you claim that you were bedridden a week after the accident, but Facebook shows that you were sunbathing on Myrtle Beach.
  • You posted content before the accident that indicates that you suffered from symptoms that you now claim are a result of the accident.
  • Your online activity makes you appear vindictive. If you posted negative comments online about your ex-spouse or your former employer, it stands to reason that you might just be trying to harm the defendant’s reputation.
  • Your online activity exhibits a pattern of attention seeking, especially in relation to adversities that you have faced.
  • Based on your online activity, you display a pattern of wanting to benefit financially for little effort. If you have participated in get rich quick schemes or your dating website profile makes you appear materialistic, the defendant can use this to discredit you.

In other words, you should say as little as possible that would enable the defendant to undermine your credibility.  Meanwhile, your personal injury lawyer can help you support your claims.

Let Us Help You Today

The personal injury and wrongful death lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you avoid mistakes that would make it more difficult to get a fair settlement in an insurance claim or lawsuit after a car accident.  Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.



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