Should You Report A Minor Car Accident To The Police?

If, after a collision, you can drive your car to pull over on the side of the road and walk to the other car to ask if anyone was injured, you know that you have avoided the worst-case scenario. You should exchange contact information with the other driver and take pictures of each other’s insurance cards. In driver’s ed class, you learned that you should flag down a police officer and file a police report. Waiting for a police car to pass by takes time and, as everyone who has ever gotten a traffic citation knows, it is very time consuming to wait for an officer to file out a police report. If you are in a hurry, doesn’t it make more sense just to drive to work with a dented fender and then file a claim with your insurance company when you get home? South Carolina law requires drivers to report collisions that involve costly damage, even if there were no injuries. If you have questions about how to get reimbursement for vehicle repairs and other accident-related expenses, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
South Carolina Fender Bender Law
South Carolina, like most other states, has a law indicating the criteria by which a motor vehicle accident is serious enough that the involved drivers must notify the police of the collision. These are usually called “fender bender” laws because they define the difference between a minor fender bender and an accident serious enough to require police involvement. In South Carolina, you must notify the police if the total amount of damage resulting from the accident was at least $1,000. This amount includes damage to any of the vehicles involved and bodily injuries serious enough to require medical treatment. If there are no injuries and the vehicle damage is minor but still requires repair, the law does not require you to report the accident to the police, but you should still file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident.
When in Doubt, Notify the Police of a Minor Collision
It is not always easy to tell, as soon as you look at your car after an accident, how serious the damage is; your car might make it home without incident but then refuse to start the next morning. Likewise, you might think at first that you are not injured, but several hours after the accident, you might start experiencing headaches or back pain, which could be signs of serious injuries such as concussion or whiplash injury. Therefore, it is a good idea to report the accident to the police, even if it seems minor.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you get enough money to cover your accident-related medical bills and vehicle repairs after a car accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.