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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Personal Injury > Medical Malpractice: How to Find Malpractice Complaints

Medical Malpractice: How to Find Malpractice Complaints


Like many people, you probably want to research your doctor before you entrust your life and health into their care.  Choosing a doctor or a hospital can be a big decision, so it’s important to have as much information as possible.  One thing you’ll want to know is whether there have been any formal complaints against the doctor or hospital you’re considering.  There are several ways to acquire that information.  See below:

State Medical Boards

Each state licenses doctors and other healthcare professionals.  Each state’s board of licensure also handles disciplinary matters, like suspending or revoking a doctor’s license to practice.  Many state licensing boards have searchable websites that allow you to search for a provider and view complaints or disciplinary actions taken against them.  However, you can also contact the state licensing board directly.  The Federation of State Medical Boards has compiled a list of contact information for each of the state medical boards.


DocInfo is a great resource to take a look at when searching for disciplinary matters or complaints relating to healthcare providers.  It is compiled by the Federation of State Medical Boards and provides background information on almost a million doctors in the United States.

State Department of Health Services

If you’re looking at hospitals in particular, your state’s department of health services is a great resource to turn to in order to find complaints made against the healthcare facility.  For example, unsafe conditions or unaddressed complaints are often turned over to the state department of health services.  You would want to be aware of this information before choosing a hospital.

Court Records

This is one of the more difficult routes to take to find examples of complaints lodged against healthcare providers but they can still provide helpful information.  I someone has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a doctor in your state, there will be a record of it in the court where the case was filed.  Most states provide at least some of this sort of information online.  Remember to be cautious and discerning when viewing these types of court records; some patients sue doctors or healthcare providers for frivolous or trumped-up reasons that aren’t actually complaints you need to be worried about.  Courts generally toss out these lawsuits, but there is still a record of them being filed. 

You Need a Good Attorney

As you can see, there are many ways to search for information about doctors and healthcare providers in your area.  These are all good resources to use to track down information about the quality of care they provide and whether there have been any complaints or malpractice suits.  However, medical malpractice still can and does happen.  When it does, you want an experienced professional at your side to help protect your rights and interests.  That’s where The Stanley Law Group can help.  Columbia personal injury attorneys at our office have the experience and qualifications you need to support your claim and bring your case to fruition.  Call 803-799-4700 and set up a consultation today.




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