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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Personal Injury > Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Common Types of Medical Malpractice


There are several different common types of medical malpractice.  Your case may fit into more than one category or none of these categories.  The best course of action is to consult with a medical malpractice attorney to see if you have a potential claim.

Surgical Errors

Some medical malpractice claims emerge from the operating room.  A surgeon might be negligent during the operation by puncturing an organ, by operating in the wrong place or in the wrong position, by operating without proper equipment, or by leaving something inside the patient (the classic example is a surgical sponge).  Further, follow-up care may be lacking; hospital personnel may be negligent in post-operative care, causing risk of infection and other potential ailments.  Each of these methods could lead to a medical malpractice claim.

Misdiagnosis Errors

Sometimes, medical personnel can commit medical malpractice by failing to properly diagnose a patient.  However, it’s easy to defend a case like this; many diagnoses are difficult to make, even for an experienced specialist.  The key is to prove that the doctor acted in a manner that deviated from the level of care a similarly experienced doctor in the same specialty would have met.  If a reasonably skillful doctor in the same position would not have made the error or would have properly diagnosed the patient, the doctor may be on the hook for medical malpractice.

Childbirth Errors

There are several potential errors that can be made during childbirth that affect the health of the mother or the health of the child (or both).  Errors during these critical moments can affect bones, the brain, and nerves.  But errors can also be made pre-birth, during the prenatal stage.  Failure to identify a life-threatening condition on the part of the mother or the child or failure to identify birth defects are just a couple of examples of this type of medical malpractice.  Keep in mind that many of these conditions can be caused by something other than medical malpractice, so an attorney’s assistance in determining whether there was malpractice would be particularly helpful.

Medication Errors

Medication errors are extremely common and can have effects ranging from mild discomfort to life-threatening conditions.  A patient might be prescribed the wrong medication or might be harmed by a medication that medical personnel prescribe to treat a condition the patient may or may not even have.  Most commonly, these errors occur in the context of dosage, or how much medication should be given to a patient.  This can happen when a patient is prescribed the wrong amount of medication or, in a hospital setting, the patient is prescribed the right amount but hospital staff administer the wrong amount. 

Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Medical malpractice cases are extremely fact- and time-sensitive, and can be very complex.  You need an experienced hand to guide your case from inception to compensation.  Contact The Stanley Law Group to get in touch with an experienced Columbia personal injury attorney who can assist you with your claim.  Call 803-799-4700 and set up a consultation today.




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