Jet Ski Accidents

In most of the country, companies that offer summer recreation are closing up shop for the season, but if you come to South Carolina, you still have time for zip lining, jet skiing, parasailing, inner tubing, and so many other exhilarating activities that require sunshine and warm outdoor temperatures. All of these activities have their risks, though. If you get injured in an outdoor recreational activity where you were using your own equipment and you did not pay admission to use the land or water where the accident occurred, even if it was private property, the Recreational Land Statute prevents you from filing a premises liability claim. If you paid to engage in the recreational activity, then the company that profited financially from your participation is legally responsible for keeping you safe. For example, companies that rent jet skis are legally responsible if a customer riding a jet ski gets injured in a preventable accident. If you have been injured while jet skiing in South Carolina, contact a Columbia premises liability lawyer.
Jet Ski Rental Company Failed to Report Accident That Injured Teen
Earlier this summer, Het Patel of Spartanburg and Arihant Patel of Duncan rented a jet ski from Sea Monkey Watersports at Turner’s Marina in Hilton Head. While they were jet skiing, another jet ski, this one operated by a 17-year-old whose name was redacted from published documents, collided with theirs. Arihant, 18, who was the rear passenger, suffered a broken femur, but Het, 19, who was driving, did not sustain any injuries severe enough to require medical treatment.
The worst part is what happened after the accident. No one at Sea Monkey Watersports called 911. News reports did not indicate how Arihant Patel got back to dry land with his broken leg, but cell phone camera footage shows someone loading him into the back of a pickup truck for transport to a hospital emergency room. Neil Turner, the owner of Sea Monkey Watersports, paid a $1,087.00 fine for failing to report an accident involving injuries, but his legal troubles could get worse from there.
Arihant Patel has the right to file a premises liability lawsuit against Sea Monkey Watersports. Even if it turns out that the jet ski collision was a “stuff happens” accident, part of the inherent risks of jet skiing and not a result of negligence, the failure of Sea Monkey Watersports to report the accident to police and seek help from emergency medical services is the pinnacle of negligence. Injuries like bone fractures can develop severe complications if the patient does not receive prompt treatment, and it is important to stabilize the injured body part during transport to the hospital. A pickup truck is no substitute for an ambulance.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you got injured in a jet ski accident while on vacation in South Carolina. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.