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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Blog > Personal Injury > Five Tips for Finding the Best Personal Injury Attorney in South Carolina

Five Tips for Finding the Best Personal Injury Attorney in South Carolina


If you suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence, you are likely facing medical bills, loss of income due to the inability to work, emotional and mental stress, as well as other financial obligations. If you feel overwhelmed, you may be considering finding an experienced personal injury attorney. The landscape of personal injury attorneys in South Carolina is vast, and following these tips will help you determine how best to select an attorney to give you solid legal advice and help you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.

TIP #1: A Personal Injury Attorney Should Have Access to Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses are oftentimes vital to a personal injury case, as they provide expert testimony to support your position.  Their testimony could secure additional compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills and lost wages.  From an expert car accident reconstructionist to medical experts, experts can examine all evidence related to your case, and bolster your claim. Your personal injury attorney should have access to strong expert witnesses to help you build a solid personal injury case.

TIP # 2: A Personal Injury Attorney Should Be Versatile

While hiring an attorney that specializes in one area of law is important, an attorney should also be versatile. Many cases require multiple layers of expertise. Look for an attorney that has handled different types of cases and can look at your personal injury case from multiple perspectives, hire different experts, and have access to different resources to ensure that your case receives the attention and compensation it deserves.

TIP # 3: A Personal Injury Attorney Should Have Experience  

At the end of the day, experience matters. You want an attorney that has solid experience with a winning track record when your financial stability, health, and future are at stake. You need a personal injury attorney that not only understands the law but can help you understand your rights and help you receive the compensation you are owed. In order to look at an attorney’s track record, you can simply do an internet search and examine online reviews or ask family and friends for their recommendations. However, while the choice of an attorney is completely up to your discretion, make sure that you find a personal injury attorney with a proven record of success with your specific type of personal injury case.

TIP # 4: Be Wary of “Ambulance Chasers”

Good or clever advertising does not always translate into solid legal representation. Many promises are made on billboards that can not be delivered in a courtroom. If you are the victim of someone else’s negligence, you may be tempted to seek immediate legal counsel as quickly as possible from the first law firm you contact. Make sure to take a bit of time and do some research regarding the attorney that you want representing you in your personal injury case. It could mean the difference between a large settlement and no settlement at all.

TIP # 5: Make Sure the Attorney Has Received Accolades and/or Awards

Attorneys will show their success through the accolades or awards they have received from their industry or their peers. From a Client’s Choice Award to being recognized in the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers, awards go a long way to showcase the efforts, work, and success of an experienced personal injury attorney. Visiting an attorney’s website can help you determine what types of accolades or awards they have achieved in their career. 

Let Us Help You Today

If you are considering hiring a personal injury attorney related to your injuries, contact the experienced Columbia personal injury attorneys at The Stanley Law Group at 803-799-4700. We are versatile, experienced, and can provide you everything you need to build a strong personal injury case, including involving expert witnesses if necessary and ensure that all statute of limitations deadlines are met. Our awards and accolades speak for themselves. Contact us today to let us help you receive the compensation you deserve.




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