3 Reasons Your Car Is Safer Than You Think It Is

If you get tired of all the fear mongering on social media, you might turn to a more relaxing avenue of online media consumption, such as reading Wikipedia articles about entertainment personalities of yesteryear. While the insights about their lives and personalities might be fascinating in their level of detail about the subjects themselves and their world, the experience can leave you feeling skittish about riding in a motor vehicle. If so many A list actors died or suffered horrific injuries in car accidents, how much more risk does the general population have of suffering a similar fate? Even though Wikipedia articles about the celebrity heartthrobs of your parents’ generation are not designed to scare you the way that clickbait news stories on social media are, they can still suffer from the same kind of echo chamber effect as any online content. Those scary crashes that killed the likes of Jayne Mansfield and injured Sammy Davis. Jr. happened decades ago, and the cars involved were not the same cars that are on the road today. Today’s cars are much safer. If you get injured in a car accident despite all of your car’s state of the art safety features, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Your Car Has Headrests and Seat Belts
The most effective safety features are the ones you take for granted, not the futuristic ones analyzed in detail on YouTube channels devoted to reviews of consumer electronics. Seatbelts have prevented more traffic fatalities than any other automobile feature. Even in the days before cars had airbags, seat belts reduced the risk of death by preventing occupants from being ejected from the vehicle. As for headrests, they reduce the severity of whiplash injury. They also reduce the risk of projectiles from the back seat hitting you in the head.
Today’s Steering Columns Are Built for Safety
The design of steering wheels and steering columns has also reduced the risk of serious injury. Today’s steering columns are made of relatively soft plastic, and even better, they contain airbags that inflate during a collision. In the 1970s and earlier, steering wheels and steering columns were made of metal, and some of them even had protruding metal decorations. There was even a brief fad in the 1960s, where car manufacturers equipped cars with several knobs, like a game controller, instead of a single wheel, but these made steering dangerously difficult.
Your Car Has a Collapsible Zone, But Your Body Does Not
A crumpled front or rear bumper may be expensive to fix, but it can help prevent catastrophic injury. Cars are designed so that the body of the vehicle takes the impact of a collision, instead of the people inside the car.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a lawsuit or insurance claim after a car accident, regardless of the age of your vehicle. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.