What Do Chicken Strips Have To Do With Your Motorcycle Accident Case?

There are not too many days in the South Carolina winter where the weather is truly miserable, but there are some. If, on one of these days, you are stuck inside with your extended family or your in-laws, you can deflect the conversation away from criticism of your finances and your weight by talking about the best chicken strips in South Carolina. This question is sure to generate a heated debate, but all in good fun. Some people will choose Dave’s Hot Chicken, while others are partial to Bernie’s or Slim Chickens. There might even be a sorority sister among you who argues in favor of Raising Cane’s or some ladies who lunch who will hear of nothing except Zaxby’s. Staying home and attempting copycat Chick-fil-A recipes is a better use of a cold day with wet or icy roads than driving, but if you must go out, such as if the recipe calls for pickle juice and you don’t have any, you are at heightened risk of an accident. If one of the vehicles in the accident is a motorcycle, the insurance adjusters will carefully inspect its chicken strips and count them toward or against the motorcyclist’s share of fault for the accident. If you were involved in a motorcycle accident, and the insurance company is giving you a hard time about the chicken strips, even if you didn’t even know that motorcycles could have chicken strips, contact a Columbia motorcycle accident lawyer.
Find the Chicken Strips on the Motorcycle
Most motorcycle tires have chicken strips, but only seasoned motorcyclists, plus wannabes who consume motorcycle-related web content without actually riding, know that they exist. A chicken strip is the area in the middle of the tire that has less wear than the edges; in other words, it is the unused portion of the tire. The logic is that, if you are a cautious motorcycle rider, that is, a chicken, the position of your tires remains mostly stable throughout your ride. The more daring you are, the more of the surface of your tire you use. The most fearless riders use the entire surface of the tire, so their tires have no chicken strips at all.
Every detail counts when it comes to motor vehicle accident insurance claims. Therefore, the insurance adjusters will carefully inspect the chicken strips on your motorcycle. If your bike has no chicken strips, or if the chicken strips are narrow, the insurance company might interpret this to mean that you were in the habit of driving dangerously. They might attribute part of the fault for the accident to you even if the other driver made an egregious mistake. If this happens, you can still get compensation for some of your accident-related financial losses, if not the full amount.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you pursue a complaint related to a motorcycle accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.