The Leading Causes Of Car Accidents In South Carolina

Everyone knows about the dangers of drunk driving and how alcohol played an outsized role in fatal traffic collisions and single vehicle crashes. Catastrophic accidents represent only a small share of all collisions, though. Every day, cars collide on the roads of South Carolina, although the number of collisions has steadily declined by a small percentage for the past few years. There is a car accident somewhere in South Carolina every 3.7 minutes, and approximately three people per day die in South Carolina traffic collisions. More than 70 children below the age of eight get injured in car accidents each year in South Carolina. Most of these collisions do not involve outrageously dangerous actions like driving into oncoming traffic, exceeding the speed limit by 50 miles per hour, or driving after a drinking binge. Rather, they result from ordinary mistakes that anyone could make. Even a collision resulting from a minor mistake can lead to major financial hardships in the form of medical bills and vehicle repairs. A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you get an insurance settlement that will cover all your accident-related financial losses.
Driving at Unsafe Speeds
According to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, excessive speed caused more than 39,000 accidents in 2019 and led to 217 deaths. This includes not only instances of drivers exceeding posted speed limits but also driving at unsafe speeds that are specific to road conditions. For example, in snow, ice, or heavy rain, the safest speed is much slower than the posted speed limit.
Failing to Yield the Right of Way
Failure to yield the right of way was the second leading cause of traffic collisions in 2019. It played a role in 28,600 accidents, including 100 fatalities. In many of these collisions, one driver was correctly following a road sign or traffic light, while another driver broke the rules and caused a collision.
Following Too Closely
The severity of rear-end collisions varies according to the speed that the vehicles are traveling, but following another vehicle too closely always increases the chances of a collision. In 2019, 11,100 accidents resulted from one car following another too closely, and one person died in one of these accidents.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving caused 9,000 collisions and seven fatalities in South Carolina in 2019. The distractions that led to these accidents were mostly in the form of cell phones and in-car displays connected to drivers’ cell phones. Even apps that are supposed to help you drive, such as GPS navigation, can cause distractions that can lead to collisions.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you are struggling with the medical bills and other costs associated with a car accident, even if the accident was minor enough that you were able to return to work soon after. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.