Negotiating With Insurance Claims Adjusters: Do’s And Don’ts

If you were only basing your judgments on billboards and TV commercials, you might think that filing a lawsuit is the only way to get the money you need to pay for your accident-related medical bills and vehicle repairs after a collision. Perhaps you know someone who went through a court battle, and you would rather file for bankruptcy or let your house go into foreclosure than go through all that stress. The good news is that, except in the case of accidents involving very severe injuries (such as injuries that cause permanent disability), it is usually possible to get the relevant insurance companies to pay you enough to cover your accident-related losses, but getting them to pay it requires the professional skill of a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Don’t Admit Fault for the Accident
After a car accident, insurance companies often ask you to submit written statements or provide your account of how the accident happened in a recorded telephone call. They are doing this in order to determine which driver bears what share of the fault for the accident, because the more fault you bear for the accident, the less of your accident-related losses the car insurance companies are responsible for paying. Do not outwardly admit fault or speak about any mistakes you made that could contribute to the accident.
Don’t Keep a Stiff Upper Lip About Your Injuries
Complaining about your symptoms might be contrary to your nature, but even if you are in the habit of smiling through your pain, you should not make the insurance companies think that your injuries are less severe than they are. In fact, you should just let your medical bills and relevant medical records do the talking about your injuries and the treatment they require.
Don’t Engage in Small Talk
Insurance claims adjusters tend to be very chatty and personable; this is by design. They want you to open up and talk about your current and previous injuries; remember that the conversation is being recorded. The insurance companies want you to open up about your pre-existing medical conditions, because the more your current need for treatment can be attributed to causes other than the car accident, the less the car insurance companies have to pay.
Do Let a Car Accident Lawyer Speak on Your Behalf
When discussing a car accident with insurance companies, anything you say can and will be used against you. The best thing you can do is not to say anything at all. If your injuries are serious enough to require costly treatment (and treatment can be very expensive, even for relatively minor injuries), then you should hire a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Your lawyer will discuss the accident with the insurance companies and negotiate on your behalf, while avoiding the traps that insurance companies set for unsuspecting consumers.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you get the money you need after a car accident, even when insurance companies go out of their way to pay you as little as possible. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.