Greenville Man Gets 20-Year Reckless Homicide Sentence After Accident That Killed Four Children

The traffic collisions that someone caused intentionally are so rare that, when someone crashes a car on purpose, it is all over the news. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of people involved in accidents that lead to serious injuries and fatalities in South Carolina every year, and these are accidents that the drivers considered at fault wish they could have avoided. Even if the driver who caused the accident gets a criminal conviction, this does not heal your physical or emotional pain; it might even make you feel worse if the driver is someone you know personally, even a family member. Car accident lawyers are not in the business of going after bad guys; they are trying to help you get the money you need to recover your losses from medical expenses and lost income. Contact a South Carolina car accident lawyer to find out more about how they can help you move on physically, emotionally, and financially from a devastating car accident.
Four Siblings Die in Van Crash After Father Falls Asleep at the Wheel
Arnez Jamison and Jacqueline Brown began their relationship in 2013 when he was only 20 years old. He quickly became a father figure to her two young children Jamire Halley and Robbiana Evans. Jamison and Brown would go on to have two more children together, Arnez Jamison, Jr. and Ar’mani. One day in December 2020, Jamison took the children to visit a family member. While driving them home in his van, he apparently fell asleep at the wheel; he has little memory of the moments before the crash. His van slid off the road and down an embankment before crashing into a tree. The impact caused Arnez, Jr. to be ejected from the vehicle and left the van’s engine hanging by two wires. Jamire, 8, Robbiana, 6, and Arnez, Jr., 4, were pronounced dead at the scene. Arm’ani, 2, died at the hospital the following day. Jamison suffered leg injuries so severe that he was still on crutches two months later when he pleaded guilty to reckless homicide.
Jamison tested positive for cannabis and Xanax, a prescription anxiety medication, at the time of the accident. He admitted to taking two Xanax pills before driving, although he did not have a prescription. The van did not have any child safety seats, although only Jamire was old enough to ride in a car without a child safety seat. As part of his plea deal, Jamison agreed to serve 20 years for reckless homicide in exchange from dropping the other charges, including child endangerment, DUI, and driving with a suspended license. Brown pleaded for leniency for Jamison, saying he had already suffered enough by losing his children.
Contact Us Today for Help
A Columbia car accident lawyer can help you exercise your legal rights if you have suffered serious injuries in a car accident. Contact The Stanley Law Group for help today.