5 Mistakes People Make after a Truck Accident

There are several mistakes people may make after a truck accident. Become familiar with these common traps so that you don’t fall victim to them.
Not Seeking Medical Attention
It’s easy to spot blood or other obvious injuries at the scene, but other injuries don’t appear or manifest themselves until after some time has passed. Just because your injuries aren’t severe enough to warrant an ambulance ride does not mean they should not be evaluated at all. It is important to seek medical attention quickly after a truck accident so that a medical professional can diagnose and treat any latent injuries and so that you have medical records to back up your claims in court.
Suing the Wrong Party
In a typical car accident, each party is involved, plus their insurance companies. There are not usually more parties involved in the litigation or the resolution of the claim. This is different for trucking accidents. Consider contractors, owners of the trucking company, trucking operators, the truck manufacturer, and even governmental entities. There may even be parties responsible for the accident that you can’t immediately identify. Suing the correct parties is essential to success on your claim. An experienced attorney can assist you with identifying who the proper parties are.
Settling Too Quickly
Insurance companies in particular want to settle your case quickly, and generally for as little money as possible. Don’t be too quick to settle your case. Ensure you receive all of the compensation you deserve, including compensation for lost wages, medical bills, property damage, and even pain and suffering. It’s easy to want to close the book on this chapter of your life as quickly as possible, but don’t sacrifice the compensation you deserve for expediency.
Forgetting to Look to the Law
Truck accidents are all about fault; whose fault was the accident, and how do we hold that party responsible for the damages? However, truck accidents also involve the law. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of regulations binding on the trucking industry that guide what truck operators can do, where and how they can drive, and what may and may not be in or on their vehicle. These laws may have been broken during or as a result of the truck accident. Call on an experienced truck accident attorney, who will know these laws and will be able to use them to your advantage to get the compensation you deserve.
Hiring the Wrong Attorney
It will be easy to find an attorney willing to take your truck accident case. But you don’t want just any attorney to be taking care of your claim. As noted above, multiple parties could be involved. Further, specialized laws for trucking may have been broken. You need an attorney with experience with truck accident cases to assist you with protecting your rights and interests. An experienced attorney will be accustomed to the quirks and oddities of truck accident cases and the laws that guide them. Contact an experienced Columbia truck accident attorney today at The Stanley Law Group. Call 803-799-4700 and set up a consultation today.