Three Men From Columbia Die On I-77 After Pickup Truck Crosses Center Lane

In September 2022, a fatal collision occurred on I-77 near the county line between Chester and York Counties. Treshawn Simmons, Daniel Ewing III, and Thomas Grant III were riding in a Honda in the southbound lanes of I-77, when a Chevrolet pickup truck crossed the center lane and struck the Honda head-on. All three occupants of the Honda, who were in their 20s and were residents of Columbia, died of injuries sustained in the crash. The driver of the Chevrolet also died in the collision, and the passenger suffered injuries, but news sources did not release their names. News sources also did not say whether alcohol or drugs were involved in the collision or how fast the vehicles involved were going when they collided. Head-on collisions are almost never the fault of the driver who was traveling in the correct flow of traffic. If you suffered severe injuries when a car crossed the center lane of traffic and struck your vehicle, contact a Columbia car accident lawyer.
Head-On Collisions Are Among the Most Dangerous and the Most Preventable
When vehicles are traveling at high speeds, a collision can be very destructive, regardless of the angle at which or the direction from which vehicles collide. In general, though, the injuries tend to be worse for the occupants of the struck vehicle than for the occupants of the striking vehicle. Sideswipe collisions and rear-end collisions are more likely to leave the occupants of the vehicles uninjured or with only minor injuries, but this is mostly because collisions of these types tend to occur in residential areas or on urban streets; in other words, they tend to happen in places where traffic lights and stop signs are plentiful and where speed limits are relatively low. Unless one driver is traveling dozens of miles per hour above the speed limit, it is usually possible to avoid fatalities and serious injuries even when it is not possible to avoid a collision.
A prerequisite to a head-on collision is that one driver is driving against the flow of traffic. If a driver crosses the center lane of traffic and does not realize it until another car is close enough that the cars collide head on, this usually means that the cars are going fast. There is usually also another reason that the driver did not notice that he or she was in the wrong lane, such as drugs, alcohol, or severe drowsiness. In other words, head-on crashes are almost always preventable, and matters of negligence are usually clear cut. Even if no criminal charges result from a head-on collision, people injured in the collision have the right to seek damages in a civil lawsuit.
Let Us Help You Today
The personal injury lawyers at the Stanley Law Group can help you if you suffered serious injuries in an accident where one vehicle crosses the center lane and collided head-on with the other vehicle. Contact The Stanley Law Group in Columbia, South Carolina or call (803)799-4700 for a free initial consultation.