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Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Sumter Lithium-Ion Battery Lawyer

Sumter Lithium-Ion Battery Lawyer

Manufacturers began selling these powerful, lightweight batteries in the 1970s. These convenient batteries are also prone to overheating and explosion. That’s when the Sumter lithium-ion battery lawyer at the Stanley Law Group steps into the ring. Our compassionate attorneys understand the pain and suffering these victims must endure. This compassion and understanding motivates us to work extra hard to obtain maximum compensation for your serious injuries.

This compensation usually includes money for economic losses, such as medical bills, and noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering. Substantial punitive damages are usually available in these matters as well.

Money is the only language that most companies understand. Therefore, only a large amount of damages captures their attention and forces them to change their business practices. So, in a real sense, the higher the damage award, the safer the world becomes. We all have a responsibility to make the world a better place. Legal claims are our contribution to that cause.

Sumter Lithium-Ion Batteries Lawyers and Legal Claims

Small and powerful lithium-ion batteries almost always overheat, either slowly over time or suddenly and without warning.

Higher internal heat damages other components in a device, especially sensitive electronic devices that have lots of moving parts. If the excess heat damages a cell phone or other such device, the consequences are usually minimal. If this excessive heat damages a heart or blood sugar monitor, the consequences could be devastating.

Sudden explosions always cause serious injuries, regardless of the nature of the device. The fire usually causes serious burns, and the remnants of the device are essentially shrapnel.

Third and fourth-degree burns usually require lengthy and costly treatment at speciality burn centers. This treatment usually includes painful and expensive skin grafts. Furthermore, burn injuries have very high infection rates, mostly because the skin is so badly damaged and the body is so vulnerable.

Pieces of shrapnel usually become lodged in the victim’s body. Surgeons must carefully extract these pieces bit by bit. This shrapnel usually causes permanent injuries, especially if it affects a sensory organ, like the eyes or ears.

What to Expect in a Defective Products Matter

Eventually, most victims can expect a settlement in a legal claim. Over 95 percent of these matters settle out of court. However, the road to maximum compensation is usually long and bumpy.

Companies almost never immediately step up and do the right thing in these situations. Instead, they hire gangs of lawyers who fight these claims tooth and nail. This opposition typically begins as soon as victims file legal paperwork. Defense lawyers routinely file procedural motions, hoping to get the case thrown out of court.

Students who do their homework usually do well on tests. Likewise, a Sumter lithium-ion battery layer that prepares carefully usually prevails in court on these motions.

Discovery, a subsequent information exchange process, is almost as divisive. Companies know that the smoking gun is usually buried somewhere in a pile of memos and emails. So, they fight discovery as well, hoping to convince victims to settle quickly and for less money.

If lawyer and victim persevere, most defective product claims settle during mediation. A court-appointed mediator ensures that both sides negotiate in good faith. They must make reasonable offers and compromise when needed.

The road to a settlement is often winding as well. Most defective product claims are mass torts (class action or Multidistrict Litigation claims). The sheer size of these claims adds a very thick layer to an already complex matter.

Contact a Diligent Sumter County Lawyer

Injury victims are entitled to substantial compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced Sumter lithium-ion battery lawyer, contact the Stanley Law Group. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we start working for you.

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